In a world governed by unscrupulous corporations and totalitarian regimes, a band underground called the “Hawks” emerges to resist and fight injustice. Made up of former agents, hackers and rebels, they operate in the shadows to foil the sinister plans of these powerful enemies.
The discovery of a network of experiments on human beings amplifies their mission. They expose these atrocities to the world, gaining influence and members. But as the months pass, an internal betrayal threatens to tear the group apart. An anonymous packet reveals that a trusted member is actually working for the enemy.
The confrontation with this traitor takes place in an old abandoned church, a place iconic for the Hawks. But their position is compromised, and they are surrounded by a private army.
Struck by betrayal and loss, the Hawks decide to temporarily disperse, only to return later with renewed strength. The world is cruel, but as long as individuals are willing to stand up for justice, there is hope. Their mission, although tested, persists.
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The author: Sophie CADOZ
Website: https://pret-a-raconter.com
E-mail: scadoz@pret-a-raconter.com
GSDN: at https://pret-a-raconter.com/gsdn
June 8: at: https://pret-a-raconter.com/le-8-juin
Tags: The Hawks | The balance of the net | ethical hackers | White Hackers | White hat |